Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Day The Angels Helped - The End

. . .we did not go bungee jumping, but, once you know that God cares enough for you to send His angels to clean up a dirty old house, there's no excuse for fear. We did drive all the way across the state of Wyoming to get pizza from Pete's Pizza in West Yellowstone. We've floated in the Great Salt Lake with sea monkeys. We've climbed the Astoria Column. We've skim boarded on the west coast and snorkeled on the east coast. We go to New York City (now that's courage!). We feed homeless folks, mentor to drug addicts, visit prisons and witness to dying family members (the scariest yet). We're not fearless, but trusting. God gives us what we need, when we need it. Not before, not after, not too much, not too little . . . like manna. We do the trusting and God does the rest. We do the asking and God does the providing. We're obedient and God is faithful. It sounds so simple . . . right? Then why are we (okay, me) still consumed with fear sometimes? I think it's because we make what is simple, complicated. We complicate things with our limited view of logic. But God goes beyond logic and does what we see as impossible. Nick's house - that was an impossible mess, a mess no one could clean up but God. So . . . what are you afraid of? Where's the mess in your life? Get on your knees (they won't stick to the floor, I promise) and ask God to clean it up. Will it take an army of angels to clean up your mess? Can't you trust God with your dirty house? And, . . . my last question . . . where're we goin' next????


:)De said...

Great story and message. Thank you. How are you, dear friend? You are in our hearts and thoughts.

Life Adapted said...

Thanks :)De. We are so sad - the services are today and tomorrow, so the reality will really hit this afernoon. I wrote the "Angel" stories in 2 sittings before Pop-Pop died and then scheduled them to post automatically, it seems funny to me that now I really need to remind myself there should be no fear today, God will supply me and my famiy with exactly what we need. He is the great Comforter. But, I admit, I'm a little afraid. My heart hurts for my husband and my children - they loved him so much, we all did. My next post will be a tribute, of sorts, to Pop-Pop. He loved to tell jokes (old ones everyone has heard 100 times before, but it's all in the deadpan delivery.) He entertained us every single time we were together. My husband's cousins are calling and saying exactly the same thing, "Uncle P was my favorite uncle, he always cracked me up and he always took us somewhere."
Thank you for asking dear one. I'll be asking God for provisions today and I trust He give them. Be blessed.

Indian Lake Papa said...

Kalamazoo, Michigan to see papa & mama!

Life Adapted said...

I've always wanted to go to Kalamazoo! We're actually thinking about going to Mackinac Island this summer - is that far from Kalamazoo? We'd love to meet you and Mama - you are both so dear!

Be so blessed and thanks for reading along!

Indian Lake Papa said...

We love company! please lets try and schedule! We have met 19 bloggers, all great experiences! YOU can check the pictures at the Post Office - I think mine is down now. lol