Friday, May 22, 2009


Apparently, I did insult my daughter's friend - oops. It wasn't that I once called him a "quirky goat boy" or that I told him he acts like a 3 year old or that I told him he was good blog material. Nor was it that I told him he used an expression that I don't like and asked that he not use it my house. Nor was it that I once threw a chocolate whopper at him and hit him square in the lip and made him bleed. Nope, it wasn't that I told him to cut his hair or that I offered to give him a bottle of nail polish remover so he could take off his black nail polish. No folks, of all these things that someone may take offense to (though no offense was meant), he did not. Hence, my statement that I don't think he can be insulted. But, I found a way, unbeknownst to me, to insult my daughter's friend. I called him "friend". Notice the quotation marks (" ") around friend. That is what insulted him. He said the quotation marks made him feel less of a real friend - I guess he thought I was referring to him as a "pretend" friend which only makes my daughter sound creepy and not him. However, the fact remains that I made an offense and therefore I must apologize. Here is your public apology. "I'm sorry."

Hmm, I feel better.........


:)De said...


Life Adapted said...

Thanks :)De, let's hope "someone" else thinks so too.

Indian Lake Papa said...

Sincerity! Oh! This post oozes of sincerity! YOu are so gifted with humility and compassion - can't wait to meet! Which reminds me, mama needs to remove my black nail polish.