Friday, May 1, 2009

Pop-Pop's Bed

About a year ago I was in a sort of panic. I wondered what I would do with my time when the kids were no longer homeschooling. I knew that it wouldn't be my choice to decide what I would do. I knew God had a plan, He just wasn't sharing that plan with me. After about a day of our last session of homeschooling it was put on our hearts to bring Pop-Pop here. We gave ourselves the summer to make up his room, go on our family vacation, ready the house and the yard and prepare Pop-Pop for the transition. I had to move, store or give away all our homeschool stuff; move furniture around; buy a dresser, a bed, a TV and shades and curtains; order cable, etc. etc. etc. As you know, Pop-Pop didn't stay long and then he died. I wondered about all the things we did to prepare that room for Pop-Pop's comfort. It was worth it for sure - it would have been worth it if he only stayed one day - yet, I still wondered about our family room that is no longer a family room, but a guest suite. Then I realized that in less than a year's time (8 months to be exact) we have had 8 people sleep in Pop-Pop's bed (not counting the members in this house who have slept there for one reason or another). Imagine, 8 house guests, some who have come repeatedly, in Pop-Pop's bed. Our guests range in age from 18 to 82. Our last (and most frequent) guest said, "I love your family," and later went on to say that he feels the love of Jesus in our home. My heart will surely sing with delight every time I wash those sheets. . .


:)De said...

You prepared that room in love and so it is full of love for all that come.


Life Adapted said...

Thanks for saying so - when did your mom move in with you? I read Jordan's writing assignment and thought it was so sweet. I wish I had stressed a little less about Pop-Pop's arrival, but I am glad we took the time to make it so special for him. We'll never forget it. Enjoy your mother's day, you deserve it.

Be so blessed.

Indian Lake Papa said...

Some times when we think we have "Jesus plan" all figured out - it doesn't turn out like "we planned"! Our responsibility is to obey. A good post LA!

Life Adapted said...

Well said, Papa, well said. . .
be so bleseed.

Robin said...

Hi Life Adapted...Just wanted to check in - started with the most recent post and hope to get back to the others...

I'm sure your home is full of God's love and it overflows into the lives of all you touch even online...

Thank YOU!

Life Adapted said...

Hi Robin, Welcome back from the world of 2 a.m. feedings and constant diaper changes :)

It's wonderful to hear from you - how's life with a new born? (well, not so new anymore)

Thank you for your comment - that was sweet of you to say.

Be so blessed.