Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Day

Okay, this is what I did today. Homeschooled #1 and #3 child, plus our new student. Wrote a letter for a friend, wrote a letter to a friend, made 10 pounds of macaroni salad for us to serve at the soup kitchen tomorrow, took #3 to piano lessons, dropped off new student, picked up #3 at piano, picked up #2 at school, ran home because #1 forgot books, dropped off books and #2 at piano, went to grocery store, came home and made meatballs for dinner, watched an episode of LOST with #2 and stressed out over Charlie's death, served dinner, took shower, picked up friend to go to another friend's for a beading party, dropped off a meal for needy person on the way, made a beaded bracelet for a friend, came home and am now blogging . . . You may think that I don't mention the names of family members on my blog for security reasons, but if truth be told, by the end of the day I can't even remember my name, never mind the names of my children!! Thank you, Lord, for my life, my husband, my mini-van and the ability to blog when I can't even speak a coherent sentence. And thank you, Lord, for my dear children, whatever their names are.


:)De said...

Just wanted to say "good day" to you. I had to laugh at your prayer ending for your dear children...whatever their names are. LOL I have all J's, so many different combinations of their names come from my lips ("Jef-Jor-Jam-Jack")followed by the everpresent statement of "you know who I'm talking to!"


Life Adapted said...

I know it's not fair :)de, but just knowing you can relate to my stresses me makes my day. I'm not alone in this journey that sometimes gets bumpy. Bless you for your friendship and your little "j's"