Thursday, March 13, 2008

On Crying

My kids are always making fun of me for crying. You know, Hal-mark commercials, happy endings, sad situations. . .etc. . . and since I am in that wonderful stage of life called peri-menopause, I cry even more. So last night when I was crying in the car on the way home from the soup kitchen, I just looked out the window and hid my face from the kids. We took along with us 2 kids who asked if they could join us - no provocation on our part, just genuine interest in serving the homeless like we do. It was, as always, a blessing to be the hands and feet of Jesus by providing food and company to this group of souls. So, why was I crying? On the way home, the 5 young adults that were with us (our 3 plus 2), sang all the way home. It was amazing. They were simply happy and they expressed that happiness by singing. My favorite was "Hey There Delilah." I remember when my middle child cried at her Kindergarten graduation and I asked her why, she said, "I have too many feelings inside and they came out my eyes." Honey, I know just how you feel.

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