Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Cleaning

What's the big deal with "Spring Cleaning?" What's the big whop? Everyone's talking about it. There are "tips" and articles written about Spring cleaning. In our local newspaper Spring cleaning was the topic of the Question of the Week. If you ask me, (which no one has, but that's the beauty of a blog. . .) Spring cleaning is just cleaning with the windows open for the first time in 5 months. Woohoo!!


Anonymous said...

The piano playing is very beautiful. Thanks for putting it on. I imagine that your children are playing this. Please tell them, they have a beautiful God given talent. Rejoice, this is the day God has made.

Life Adapted said...

I can't give credit to my children for the piano music, but if I could figure how to get their playing on my blog I would. They are all blessed with God given talents and we are very thankful. I do rejoice in this day, for God has made it!! Thank you for reading my blog and sending me comments. It makes my day!!

Robin said...

You say what everyone else wishes they could say :)