Monday, March 17, 2008

On Friends, Ladies Retreats & College Visits

On Friends: Needing a friend and being needed by a friend are symbiotic. One is fully dependent on the other. Without one part of this equation, the other is < (you can tell I've been hanging out with my daughter just by the science and math anologies - it's a head shaker). In everyone's life, there comes a time when you are in one position or the other. I am reminded to thank God for either position . . .

On Ladies Retreats: Laughter and tears, though not symbiotic, go hand in hand with Ladies Retreats. I believe they are esstential (that is, Ladies Retreats and laughter and tears). Even though you can have one without the other they are more powerful with all that estrogen flowing freely. I am reminded to thank God for friends who drag me to retreats, listen to me complain and then have to drag me home . . .

On College Visits: I am in favor of them ; )

There you are, all caught up on my life in three (count them) three short paragraphs . . . the sum of which is > anything (to me, that is).

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