Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pay Attention

While chatting with a friend, I discovered that I have changed my way of communicating since I have teenagers. I use strategies rather than just plain talking. I'm thinking that part of this is because of the age we live in, there are just too many distractions, but part of it is dealing with teenagers. I'm not sure how effective this is, or how appropriate it is in all situations, but I think it works . . . and I'll be sure to ask the kids the next time I get their undivided attention. So here it is. As I talk to the kids, I fit everything into a neat little paragraph and I move around a lot, and when I think I'm losing their attention, I charge at them and halt right before slamming into them. If they weren't paying attention to me before this move, they certainly will be more attentive after this. Stamping my feet right next to their bare feet works, too. Oh, and the little air horn - works like a charm. But, as in all things, there is a need for balance and boundaries. I mean, someone who was getting coffee at the Quicky Mart would not be at all happy about being startled by an air horn - nor would be the teenager who works there that has to clean up said coffee - nor would my daughter who claims she's already listening. Me, on the other hand, I'd be thrill from the 3 high five's I'd get on the way out from other moms. I just love all the attention ..............


:)De said...

Two new strategies to add to my communication style:
1."charge at them and halt right before slamming into them"
2. "Stamping my feet right next to their bare feet"

Taking notes from a true pro!

Life Adapted said...

Hi :)De - I've missed you! But listen, don't try these strategies on the little ones - it scares them and they cry and then you've lost the communication ;)

Be blessed.

:)De said...

I'll reserve them for the 15 year old. He is huge and runs into me all the time so I can just return the favor and his feet are size 12... they can stand a bit of stamping! LOL BTW the fun art website is


Indian Lake Papa said...

Go get em mom! say - were you my mom in another life??