Thursday, July 31, 2008

Right Again

When my son was 8 we delivered meals for "Meals on Wheels."
This is one of our conversations (6 years ago) as I remember it.
"Mom, can I get a Play Station?"
"Why? I will pay for it."
"Because you are an 8 year old boy and very capable of playing real games. You do not need any sort of virtual reality."
"You have a very nice back yard, lots of sports equipment, a bike, a shovel, a tool box, an old radio, scrap wood, toys, games and most importantly friends in the neighborhood to play with. You are healthy and strong. Why do you need a Play Station?"
"But Mom."
"Let's deliver this meal to Mr. Williams. You visit with him while I put the meal out."

Poor Mr. Williams, he lost his wife. His children live far away. He can't drive anymore and most of his friends have passed. He had no one in the neighborhood to play with.

Back in the car, "Mom, when can I get a Play Station??!!"
"When you're as old as Mr. Williams."

Today I read that the local nursing home just bought an X-Box and a Wii for the seniors.

I hate to brag, but.......... I was right again...........oh yeah.........


Indian Lake Papa said...

I am 65 and mama still won't let me get any of those games - however, I do play some computer games! Mama loves her table games!

Robin said...

Great story!

Life Adapted said...

Papa, you still have friends in the neighborhood, a beautiful active wife and a young(ish) body - see no excuses for you to stay in and play Wii.

Robin - thank you :)

:)De said...

I love the stuff you had in your backyard. We currently have shovels, scrap wood and an old lawn mower engine...the stuff of dreams! My poor children are x-boxless and wiiless..well they wee...but you know what I mean. LOL


(OK I can do this...zzhdqbq. doh. rhgrhht. drat!LOL)

Life Adapted said...

Hey :)De, if we mix the stuff from your yard with the stuff from my yard the kids would have a blast! I told my son he and his friends could dig in the back corner of the yard. I figured they'd get bored after an hour - how much can you dig in an hour? Well, about 5 hours later, I went to give them food and water and I nearly fainted. They dug a hole large enough to bury an elephant. Before they went out I jokenly told them to stop before they hit China - they were obedient.
Be blessed.

Robin said...

Oh my - maybe they should have a career in ditch digging or at least go on some short term mission trips. My husband said they dug 72 holes while in Alaska. One of the teens with the group said that he didn't ever want to dig another hole again.

Life Adapted said...

Robin, it's funny how my son can dig a hole for 5 hours because it was fun, but then complain that taking out the garbage is too much work. Love the idea of a short term missions trip. 72 holes? Wow.
Be blessed.