Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ridiculous Dialog

"You're ridiculous!"
"No, you're ridiculous!"
"I'm ridiculous?
"Yes, you're ridiculous!"
"I'm not the one who is being ridiculous here!"
"Oh, so you're saying I'm the one being ridiculous?"
"Are you hard of hearing?? You're ridiculous!"
"Wait, why am I ridiculous?"
"I don't know - you started it!"
"I started it?"
"Yes, you started it!"
"Nuh-uhh! You started it!"

Shamefully, this dialog was between an 18 year old girl and her lovely mother. Poor, dear woman, she's a saint.

"She is not!"
"She is too, and get off my blog!"


:)De said...

You know... I always wanted to know how to spell "Nuh-uhh" Now I know. Hope your day is filled with peace and grace.

(P.S. This is a secret about myself that I would like to share with "only you". LOL! I mis-type that word verification every time at least 2 times before I get it right! There...it's out in the open!" I feel so much better.

Life Adapted said...

Hi :)De, I had to ask my teens how to spell nuh-uhh - being that they are experts in nuh-uhh, I knew I went to the right source. Sorry about publishing your secret, but it was too funny to keep to myself. Back at you on the peace and grace. Be so blessed.

Robin said...

Doesn't sound ridiculous to me...oh wait does that make me ridiculous? Of course not...

Life Adapted said...

Just wait, Robin, until you dear littles are teens - this will sound even less ridiculous to you then.

Robin said...

I'm in no hurry to get there...but I guess that won't slow the process. Guess we need to treausure each moment. I still remember when my firstborn was a baby and each day I thought she was more incredible than the day before and of course I was right :) I'm basically crazy about my kids even when they drive me crazy sometimes :)