Saturday, July 5, 2008

Texting - Part II

Texting is rude - as Jar-Jar Binks would say, "How wude!" The whole "multi-tasking" thing is very disturbing to me. It gives people (when I say people I really mean teenagers) the impression that sharing your attention between two or more tasks is okay. In my book, it's just rude. Whatever happen to "undivided attention?" In most parenting books I read back in the late 80's and early 90's, the advice du jour was to give your children undivided attention (now it's quality time - I'm not digging that either - I got issues). Multi-tasking was a no-no. Listen to your children, set aside whatever it is that you are doing and give your child your attention, make your child feel as though they are more important than any task at hand. I followed that advice - I hung up the phone, I let the dinner simmer, I turned off the TV, the radio, the computer, set the bills aside and never interrupted them. I thought that the pay off was to have the same respect from them. Then along came cell phones and text messaging. I liked the idea of being able to call my child no matter where they were, so I was okay with them having phones (that they paid for, of course). But I didn't realize that the costs (texting while I am speaking) would out weigh the benefits. I mean, I really don't like to quote a Gungan, but "How wude!" I see people (and when I say people, this time I mean people) texting while driving, eating dinner out, shopping, walking the dog, navigating busy sidewalks, in the classroom, in the bathroom, in the post office . . . you get the picture. Ugh, it makes me crazy. This is not multi-tasking, it is just plain rude! Are you listening to me??? I can't tell because your fingers are going at mach speed!!! Why is your pocket vibrating while I am talking to you??? You're grounded, text that!

to be continued...............