Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Texting - Part I

This is my opinion on text messaging . . . if you are one of the millions of people addicted to texting, please skip this . . . text messaging is bad for your mental health and it makes you stupid. How? Well, if every time a thought pops into your head, you text it to a friend, a spouse, yourself, or everyone in your address book, you give yourself permission not to commit that thought to long term memory. You are training yourself to text it and forget it, thus denying yourself full use of your God-given brain, thus shrinking your brain power, thus making you stupid. You never have to make a "mental note" of anything because you just text it. I know people who frequently text themselves. I mean, if you have a disease and you know your brain is not functioning at full capacity, then I see no problem texting yourself to remember something (like "take your meds"). But, if you are a healthy individual, you are just encouraging poor mental health and stupidity in yourself. And, furthermore, is every thought that pops into your head really worth remembering and sharing?????????????? Plus, how bad is it to forget to defrost that chicken (really, that's what microwaves are for). My kids just think I'm too cheap to get text messaging, but really I'm just being smart.


:)De said...

I avoid texting so as not to have fat thumbs! LOL

Life Adapted said...

I told my kids that they will be raising a generation of kids with huge thumbs and my daughter stated that big thumbs actually interfer with texting so their kids will have small thumbs - I'm not buying that!!

Robin said...

I don't use a cell phone, so I don't text myself and if I did I'd be too cheap to do it anyway...

BUT... I have been known to send myself email reminders to pay bills and to do things for church or regarding appointment times.

I also set my home voice mail to call me (use it as an alarm clock) for appointments. And if people ask me to do things and I have no where to jot the note down - I will pick up the phone and leave myself a voice mail....

So I guess I qualify right along with the texters...

Indian Lake Papa said...

I am too old to mess with that! i am lucky i can still type!

Life Adapted said...

Papa, you don't fool me, you're not too old to do anything!

Robin, you are using your phone as a tool to remind you of important obligations - that's cool. The kids, however, use text messaging for mindless chatter, whatever pops into their little heads (that's why I blog :). Just wait for Part II, I'm taking the gloves off.

Be blessed.

Robin said...

I feel better already :) its okay to leave myself messages - haha