Sunday, October 12, 2008

Beginning, Middle and . . .End?

I love telling stories (could you guess?). I always try to tell them in order; beginning, middle and end. I have friends that are very sweet, but are bad story tellers. They tell me their stories all mixed up. Sometimes they tell me the end first and mix up all details. "I want details!" I tell them. "Tell me from the beginning and was it raining? What were you wearing? What time was it? What'd you have for lunch?" My husband is horrible at details, too. When I ask him about his day, I really want to know. If his day was 8 hours long, I figure it should take at least an hour to retell it to me. Uh-uh. In 3 minutes flat he could tell me everything. Why am I telling you all this? Because I told you a story and titled the last piece, "The Rest Of The Story - It's all she wrote. . ." buuuut. . . it's not the end. Isn't it just like God to re-write a story? So, here's the thing. Pop-Pop is coming back! I don't know all details yet. It seems he woke up one morning in the nursing home and thought, "I made a BIG mistake." He'll be here next week and he'll be splitting his time between here and the nursing home. The sun is shining, it's about 75 degrees, the wind is blowing just enough to stir the brilliant yellow leaves off my birch tree. I hear people in the neighborhood mowing their lawns and the washing machine running (my daughter is home from college this weekend). We had pork chops and baked sweet potatoes with pumpkin muffins for lunch, and all is right in the world. The . . . End????


:)De said...

With tears in my eyes: "Yay!!"


Life Adapted said...

:)De, I knew you would be thrilled for us. We are waiting to see how God will write the rest of the story. Be blessed.

Robin said...

I love your stories! I'm so glad the end wasn't the end and you are back to the heart of the story again - Yay!!! God is working!

I like long stories too - well when I'm telling them or when there is no crisis that I have to deal with ... for instance if my husband comes home and says I have bad news - I need the short version quickly. Then he can go back and give me the 60 minute version. I need to know what I'm dealing with and then the details...

But if its a story from a friend I enjoy hearing the details and soaking it all up..

I also enjoy torturing friends with details to withhold the point. With one friend I talked to her for a half hour before telling her I was pregnant - I just let the conversation flow where it might - both of us talking and then when it fit I shared. She was ready to ring my neck for letting her discuss the discounts, etc... and not saying STOP I have info... it's just more fun that way :)

Again, you are an incredible story teller and I look forward to your stories all the time!

Life Adapted said...

Hi Robin, I loved this comment (with so many details!), I did exactly what you did - I went to lunch with a friend and didn't tell her about Pop-Pop until we were walking out to go apple picking. There has been so much support, it's been really wonderful. When I get a chance, I'll write you a long email.

Be Blessed.

Robin said...

I'm looking forward to your detailed email :)

:)De said...

Hi Ladies,

Just checking it to see where Pop-Pop was these days. LA, I had to tell you that I really love the first song on your playlist and sometimes get on your blog to hear it. I finally decided to "google" it and found it on Youtube. What a neat album.

Peace to your both (Robin, you too)

Life Adapted said...

Hi :)De, Pop-Pop will be here on Friday. This time around he's only staying for a week, but then he'll be back again for a longer time in November. It's complicated - but God has shown us how to overcome each obstacle. Thanks so much for caring.

Btw, my daughter set up the play list. I originally had an Ella Fitzgerald song but the kids told me I needed something new, so I had a Tree63 song, but they said that got old quick. I told them, "Then you do it!" and for the first time in months, they listened to me. Go figure.

Be blessed.

Robin said...

Thanks De to you as well!!

Robin said...

Life Adapted - I'm so excited that Pop-Pop will be there tomorrow!!!! Awesome! How long will he be at your house - then nursing home, etc... what are the planned time lengths?

It will be so good for him to be with you and your family at least part of the time!!!!

Life Adapted said...

Oh Robin, everything is up in the air - I think it's God's way of telling me to lighten up and let Him control stuff, which really just as well since everytime I try to, I mess something up. Living in the moment for now :)