Tuesday, October 28, 2008

God's Got Flair

So far today, I made muffins, had tea and muffins with a friend, wrote a letter to a teacher, spoke to the leader of CAP, strategized a court hearing for a friend, read a psychology report (good job honey), made plans with a friend to get cheap apples (can't wait J), called a friend's counselor on her behalf, agreed to take on another Seeing Eye puppy, washed the dishes, made the beds, cleaned the bathroom and kitchen sinks, put the shoes away in the front hall (how many shoes do 2 feet really need sweetie?), typed up an updated resume for my husband and am now blogging. It's only 1:35 p.m. But, wait, something is missing . . . too early to do the piano lesson run, too early for choir practice, too early to make dinner . . . what did I miss?? Don't you hate that feeling that you missed something, that something will fall through the cracks . . . .??? Oh yeah, I forgot to give Praise to God for all my blessings. Praise You, Lord, for the many blessings you have poured out onto my family. Thank you for the beautiful fall colors all around us, thank you that we don't live in a black and white world, but a world of color. And thank you for the snow. (Snow!!!!!?????) God, You got flair!


Robin said...

Sounds like your day is going well and packed full of things to keep you out of trouble ;) But even when my day is jammed I still find trouble...

We have the same shoe problem you do...Guess that means we all have much to be thankful for! Thanks for sharing your blessings with us today - I love reading what others are thankful for - it reminds me to be thankful too!

We are having a wind storm today...

Pray for my friend Lynetta who is having her twins today - we share the same due date. I posted about her at my blog too.

:)De said...

You did more before 2 pm than I want to do all day! Praising God with you for his ever-present mercy, grace and healing, which I need a big dose of today. Snow, huh?!


Life Adapted said...

Thanks ladies for all the encouraging comments you leave me. It really makes my day. After that posting, I picked up my daughter at school(with a hot chocolate and cookies), took her to piano, picked up my son at school (with same snack), dropped him off at piano and took daughter home, went back and got son, grabbed my husand and went to Taco Bell for free taco's, went to Target and bought gifts for 3 Christmas boxes for Operation Christmas Child. I think I'm done.

Peace out.

Life Adapted said...

Oh, Robin, am praying for Lynetta and her babies (and you and your babies) Keep me posted.

Life Adapted said...

Oh, and yes, it snowed in New Jersey today! We got about an inch. The good news is that there is a 2 hour delayed opening tomorrow so the kids can sleep in!!! Yay.

:)De said...

Shhh... don't let my homeschooled kids hear you say "snow day" They get so feisty! LOL


Life Adapted said...

:)De, I know what you mean. I always said the best predictor of snow was watching the kids behavior. They must have some kind of built in snow radar that makes wires cross in their heads just before the snow falls. Fiesty, to say the least!!

Robin said...

Life Adapted - thanks for your prayers for Lynetta and for me. Lynetta had her sons this morning at 3:23 and 3:30 am by c-section because of complications. I posted in the comments section of the Special Prayer Request post.

De - My kids don't get snow days either. If we take off from school on snow days its to shovel for the neighbors and that's usually in addition to school. They (actually all three of us) really like to shovel snow. Even though it bothers my back (I'm a little dense). It just feels good to work hard in the cold. I know I'm STRANGE and I'm raising my kids to be as well. I wear my back support when I shovel at least...