Friday, October 17, 2008

Pumpkin Soup

I don't like to give too much advice (that's a lie and you know it, but humor me). But, here is a piece of advice everyone should heed. If you ever feel the urge to make pumpkin soup for a soup kitchen - DON'T. These are some of the comments I received regarding the gourmet pumpkin soup I made and served at a local soup kitchen.

"Who made this, Mr. Jack O. Lantern?"
"Is this baby food?"
"I don't eat orange food."
"This looks like baby s***."
"Who puked?"
"What else you got?"
"Thanks lady, but no thanks."
And my personal favorite.
"I'm a vegetarian . . . oh, this is pumpkin? I'm fasting."


:)De said...

LOL on the fasting comment!


Robin said...

Great post! You keep me smiling :)

Indian Lake Papa said...

Ha ! sounds almost as good as peanut butter soup - !! (note: finger down my throat)

Life Adapted said...

Thanks Robin and :)De and for your comments - love you both.

Papa, sounds yummy - got a recipe? And btw, someone did pretend to gag!

Be blessed