Saturday, October 4, 2008

Change of Scenery

Kate is a good cat. I'm sorry I misrepresented her in my last blog posting. Really, those things I said were more applicable to Nina. Kate has more instinct than a log. Though Kate really did kill the stink bug, I would never call her a waste of cat flesh and fur. (Are we good now, honey?) But Kate does have her issues. She has CLD or Compulsive Licking Disorder (sorry, honey, we've been hiding this secret for long enough - it's good to talk about it). She licks . . . compulsively. It started with her paws. She licked them raw. Then she started to lick the house (I can't make this stuff up). And finally, she began to lick my husband's arms. Now, you've got to be a really sick cat if you're going to lick a 200 pound man. That's when I took her to the vet. The vet wanted to put Kate on Kitty Prozac. I kid you not. "Uh-uh!" said the 200 pound man. So we changed her diet, gave her more attention and talked very gently to her, even when she was licking 200 pound husband. Poor Kate. Maybe a change of scenery would be good for her. Like . . . a college dormitory? Like . . . the one my daughter is at? Hmmm. Sounds like a plan to me ................


Anonymous said...

I'm very sad that no one has commented on how beautiful my cat is. Also, CLD is a fake disease. She is underloved and that is how she shows her affection. I would take her here in a second if I could but I can't.

love you.

Life Adapted said...

Yes, honey your cat is beautiful, but not underloved. We treat her well. The only reason we lock her in the garage at night is because she tries to come into our room and lick Daddy. It is much safer for her in the garage.

Can't wait to see you Friday.