Monday, January 19, 2009

Listen Up Ladies

Not that I speak from experience, just a random thought that went a little wild . . .

Here is the same advice given to you in different voices:

Confucian style:
Wife who drives husband crazy must live with insane man.

Joyce Meyer style:
Listen up ladies! Come on now! If you don't want to live in a nut house, then don't drive your husbands crazy!! Can I get an Amen.

Erma Bombeck style:
Stop the insanity! Leave your husband alone.

Martha Stewart style:
Please don't drive your husband crazy because then you'll have to add a room to your home to keep him. First, you'll need some 2 x 4's and sheet rock. Just frame out the room like I did here. Don't worry about painting or papering the walls because you'll be tacking up mattresses. If you go to K-Mart you can pick up my collection of "Soothing Sheets". You need some strong glue. I just happen to have some glue I made from an old mare of mine that died. Glue down the furniture. For his drab straight jacket you can perk it up with some pearl buttons, I just happen to have a few I made from fresh water pearls that I harvested in my back yard. Use satin ribbon for the arm wrap around and be sure to tie it securely around the back. Finish it off with a beautiful bow.

King Solomon style:
It is better to stay outside on the roof of your house than to live inside with a nagging wife. Proverbs 21:9 CEV

My style:
It is easier to set up a sturdy ladder to the corner of the roof than to expect to be sane during peri-menopause......................


Robin said...

I came to ask for your prayers, but had to read your post - you crack me up - again...

My brother, Robert is very congested and saw a doctor earlier (officially yesterday afternoon). The doctor wasn’t concerned so much about his sore throat, but most concerned about his heart rate it was almost 200 while he was just sitting in the office. The doctor told him he needed to admit to the hospital ASAP, but he said no because he doesn’t have health insurance - so he left the office with RX for antibiotics. He called me about 2:00 am asking what to do because his heart felt like it’s beating out of his chest - I told him he needs to follow his doctor’s advice and get to the hospital. I asked him if he needed me to call an ambulance and he said NO… he’s on his way to a hospital in TX, but I don’t know which one… Please pray!

Life Adapted said...

Robin, of course I will pray - I'm hoping he just took too much cold medicine that caused his heart to race. Please let me know what's happening. How is that precious baby of yours?
Be so blessed.

R.M. Jackson said...

I don't even remember how I got here, but I am all doubled over with laughter! LOL!
