Friday, January 30, 2009

No Way Yes Weigh

I am just over being sick. I was pretty sick. After visiting Pop-Pop in the nursing home I began to feel sick to my stomach - not all that unusual - however, this time the feeling got worse, and worse, and worse. I was stuck in bed for a few awful days. We got a call from the nursing home saying that they were put under quarantine because of an intestinal bug. I told them that was like closing the barn door after the horse got out. They were not amused. My family was so very sweet to me, offering me tea and toast and applesauce every few hours. Just when I thought I was feeling better and ate some stew - wham! I got hit again and had another few awful days in bed. I was feeling sick and weak and doubled over with stomach pains . . . but I had to get up . . . I sat up in bed, moaned, but kept going . . . I put one foot on the floor . . . then the other . . . I stood up while the room spinned around me . . . I put one foot in front of the other and forged on . . . each step was torture . . . but on I went . . . you may be wondering where I needed to go at that moment . . . slowly . . . I made my way over to the . . . scale . . . I lost a miserly 4 pounds!!! . . .

My poor husband thought I was delirious when he came into the bedroom and I was muttering to myself and laughing in a sick sort of way, over and over again, "No way, yes weigh . . . no way, yes weigh ........................


Robin said...

You even make me laugh when you are sick. Wish I could wait on you... I'm one of those "strange" people who likes to serve people - I truly enjoy it unless of course the person is rude and demanding and then it loses it's fun.

:)De said...

Awwww... I sure hope you feel better soon. I have heard so many people say that they have been sick. A great line from the movie, "Fiddler On the Roof" is where someone ask if there is a blessing for the czar and the Rabi says: "May the czar stay far far away from us." :)

Get well my friend!


Life Adapted said...

Robin, I wish you lived closer - it'd be so much fun to help each other out. Thanks for your kindness. Btw, I'd be very polite :)

:)De, great line! I am back to myself and thankfully Pop-Pop has not gotten this bug. But the poor guy is so lonely - no visitors for a long time. The nursing home is still on quarantine, 13 days so far.

Be blessed dear ones.