Monday, January 5, 2009


So, the folks that know me, know I like alliterations for my New Year's resolutions. Balance and boundaries; healing and harmony; sweet and simple . . . . so, this year I said to my daughter, "I'm not going to do an alliteration for my New Year's resolution. Instead I want to do . . . uh, wait, what do you call it when the end of the words sound the same?"

"Rhyming, duh."

"Thanks Smartypants. But, all I can come up with is "sharing and caring" or "lying and dying" and that's just no good."

"You've got issues, Mom. Keep working on it."

Maybe that's the key to my resolution "issue" this year, just keep working on it. If I learned anything this year, it was that I have a lot to learn. Just when I thought I could keep quiet no longer and went against my top resolution for 2008 (listen more, talk less) and said all I wanted to say (plus some) I realized that I would have been better off if I had said less. It's hard to listen when you're talking (ranting). So, I will keep working on it. I think I'll keep my resolutions from last year and

maybe add a few,

for me and you,

and go to the zoo,

to see a ewe,

and a bird or two

And I need a tissue,


I've got a rhyme issue...........................


Indian Lake Papa said...

I love zoo's!

Robin said...

You are too funny
honey :)

I had to make a rhyme for you :)

Seriously now, I have much to learn... Pray for me that I learn it and live it... HARD

Life Adapted said...

Hi Papa and Robin, thanks for visiting my goofy post. Lots of love to you both. Be blessed.