Saturday, January 10, 2009

You Wiener!

So, I have this friend. She's not elegant or savvy. She's not concerned with some of the same things you think of woman being concerned about. She doesn't dye her hair or wear jewelry. Her eye glass frames are from the 90's and her coat from the 80's and her husband from the 70's. She rescues cats and dogs and rodents and birds and bats. She hasn't been familiar with a musician since Frank Sinatra and she still watches Wheel Of Fortune. She does, however, follow politics and remembers every one's birthday and never fails to make you smile. And she almost never lies. She's honest as the day is long. If she tells you something, you can take it to the bank (how does one measure honesty in hours and why would you want to take a truth to the bank? Why not the church? Or the cleaners for that matter?) So, I had a conversation with my friend the other day and we got to talking about weight. She said, "Oh, what are you worried about?" I told her I felt like a sausage, too much meat inside the casing, busting out at the ends. She said, "Ah, you're not a sausage, you're a wiener!" Never in my life have I been so happy to have someone call me a wiener. You're a real pal and just a wiener yourself...............


:)De said...

Ahhh friends... LOL!

Robin said...

A wiener :) funny - I guess if you had to be a wiener or a sausage I'd pick a wiener too :)

Life Adapted said...

You can always count on your friends for support!

Ruthie said...

Sounds like a great friend.