Monday, July 6, 2009


My mother taught me (yet, I have failed to learn) to just say, "Thank you" when someone gives me a compliment. It's hard - I stutter or say, "Oh, no" or look down at me feet. A simple thank you and smile is all I need to do. I am trying. So, this post is a shout out to all those wonderful compliments I got this week and didn't respond properly to. Here is a list:

"Mom, I love summer, I love my life, OORAH."
"Mom, thanks for your help. You're the best."
"Thanks for my gift. I really like it, it's beautiful. I love you."
"Thanks for the macaroni salad. It's the best macaroni salad my family ever had!"
"I'm glad you're my wife."
"Wonderful post."
"Breakfast was just lovely."
"You made my day!"

And the ultimate compliment - the best one this week so far - the cream of the crop. . .

"Did you lose weight?"
*smile, smile*
"Thank you."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great! So simply said, and so honest. Finally a woman who GETS IT! THANK YOU FOR THIS POST!! :)