Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bye-Bye Puppy : (

We got the call . . . The SE is coming for our puppy in 3 weeks. After raising him for a year and a half, we'll have to say good-bye to him. He has been such a good puppy and we sure have loved having him. Really, he's a part of our family now, and the church family, and the neighborhood and the community . . . I feel so sad . . . everyone is sad. I talked to my son, you know the puppy was his project, to see how he was feeling. I approached him very solemnly and with tears in my eyes and asked him if he too was sad . . . he said, "Mom, he's still here." I'm like, "Huh?" He said, "Mom, why be sad now while he's still here, I'll be sad when he goes and I'll deal with it then, but we still have another 3 weeks. And besideds, he's a really dumb dog, he may fail." Well, I don't know if he's in denial or just a really mentally healthy kid. Either way, I'm adopting his attitude. It reminds me that God wants us to live in the present, where He is. God promises to give us new mercies each day. I'll wait, like my son, to be sad when the time comes and lean on God for His mercies that day. (Go figure, just when you're sure your son was switched at birth, he says something so intelligent that you just know he's got your genes!)


Ruthie said...

thanks for stopping by my blog. It's always so nice to meet new friends. What a great looking dog!

Life Adapted said...

You're welcome and thank you for leaving me a comment! Loved reading about your parents. Be blessed.

Robin said...

What a great son you have! I try to remind myself to live in the present too... why do we let ourselves worry about things that are yet to come...? Kuddos to your son for his wisdom and you for being his mom :)

Life Adapted said...

I'll read your comment when my son runs in the house with his cleats on, or when the house shakes because he's playing his guitar too loud. . .thank you, he is a good kid and I wish we could all stay in the presence of our Father, doing His Will, allowing Him to guide each moment, but I guess that's what Heaven will be. Be blessed.