Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Death By A Chicken

When I was in northwest Arkansas I came across this sign in a drug store. "Raising Kids is Like Being Pecked to Death by A Chicken." (This was in between the life size, cardboard cut out of Elvis and the Partridge Family Lunch boxes.) Well, I thought, not my kids . . . not my sweet, intelligent, talented little darlings. No, not my kids, my kids are kind and considerate. . . (well, okay, they can be a tiny bit demanding and once they get hold of an idea, they are relentless - I mean, talk about nagging) . . . no, raising my kids is more like . . . er . . . uh . . . um . . .being pecked to death by a chicken. . .

. . . just kidding kids . . . (do they sharpen those beaks????????)


Indian Lake Papa said...

I think there is a little truth in that! We need to tape their beaks shut!! :o)

Life Adapted said...

Ha-ha, I think I'll use that on them. Thanks for leaving me a comment, it makes my day!

Robin said...

Cute... You do have a gift for writing :)

Life Adapted said...

Thank you Robin. My gift is parenting. . .and with that, comes the material ;)