Tuesday, December 23, 2008

7 Pounds

I'm not talking about the movie, though I do want to see it. I'm talking about 7 pounds of butter. You see, I was at Shop Rite (which we affectionately call Hop Rite because the lights in the S are never working) and I needed to buy butter for a Christmas recipe. I went over and pondered the different butters - salted, unsalted, name brand, store brand, organic, not organic. . . I guess it doesn't really matter because that 7 pounds I wanted to lose by Christmas (er. . . New Year's) would not disappear eating recipes of the sorts I was planning on making. I looked at that butter and stacked 7 one pound boxes on top of each other. I looked some more and put them in a circle. I looked some more, thinking to myself it is no wonder I can't zip up my jeans with 7 pounds of butter (28 sticks to be exact) floating around my middle, rear and hips. I put 2 stacks of 3 and one balanced on top and was still pondering when a woman came over and asked if she could take one. I replied,"Sure, it'll look better on you than on me." To which she replied, "I beg your pardon?" To which I replied, "You see, those 7 boxes of butter represent the 7 pounds I wanted to lose by Christmas...er...New Year's, so, go ahead and take the butter, I'm skipping this recipe." I felt good as I stood there looking at these 6 boxes, feeling a sort of victory over them. The woman who had taken the top box was gone, but then she came back. She put the butter back on it's spot on top of the 6 others and said, "Actually, it would look better on you. Merry Christmas." Now what do you suppose she meant by that???



Robin said...

You CRACK me up! I wish you lived close by becasue we could have some serious laughs!

Oh and I got 5 sticks of butter out today to make some things I don't need also...

fa la la la la la la la la...

Life Adapted said...

Robin, can you imagine us at the food store together? Our kids would dis-own us for sure. It would be quite the material for a blog!!

:)De - thanks!

Robin said...

Life Adapted - I've had some serious fun at grocery stores. I know I'm seriously pathetic, but honest :)