Sunday, December 7, 2008


My 16 year old has a project for health. Egg babies. Ridiculous, I know, but it's for a grade. And just her luck, she had twins. She's being a sport about it. She named them Rodgers and Hammerstein. And being the diverse person that she is, she selected pretty brown eggs. One had a small crack in it, which happened while hard boiling them, and she told her teacher it was born with a birth defect. She sealed the crack with glue - performing delicate brain surgery she said- to save her baby's life. You have to love those smiley faces and googly eyes on them. She told her teacher that she preferred to have them in day care because she felt high school was not an appropriate place for little babies - he said, "No." She suggested the possibility of homeschooling them - he said, "No." She said she had a babysitter for them - he said, "No." She said he was making them cry - he said, "Sit down." She said, "Okay." She told her friends at lunch that they were sleeping and to leave them alone - they said, "They don't look like they're sleeping." She said, "Shut-up."

My daughter is a good egg and she cracks me up . . . . sorry, I couldn't resist . . . .


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! I love the way you write.

And to your comment on my blog, I say "awwww!" I feel like these toddler days will NEVER END! I know, I know, they'll grow up quick and I'll be where you are, done homeschooling and my 16 yr old will be babysitting eggs, but I still think it will be a little less chaotic than it is now!

Keep in touch!

:)De said...

I loved that project when I was in high school! How long does she have to "keep them alive"?

Life Adapted said...

Renee, thanks for your support! I know you enjoy those tots every minute of every day!

:)De, funny you should ask. . .she'll be filling out a death certificate for Rodgers tomorrow. He had a fall. The story my daughter told the teacher was that they were mugged in NYC and she told the mugger to take all her money, "just don't harm my babies," while grabbing the money the mugger knocked Rodgers (or was it Hammerstien) to the ground cracking his poor little head. To answer your question, 7 days - she went 6 without an incident.

Be so blessed.

:)De said...

I am "cracking" up laughing! I love her story and somehow feel I should offer my most sincere (LOL) condolences for her loss.


okay...maybe I am more sorry for the pun...

Robin said...

Your daughter sounds like a blast. Sounds like her teacher wasn't all thrilled with her creativity though. I bet the teacher secretly loves her comments, but can't let anyone know... I love the homeschooling comment :)

Oh how sad about the death of Rodgers. Does it effect her grade negatively? She can't help that she was mugged... again quite creative.

Life Adapted said...

Robin, yes her grade will suffer because of Rodgers death - silly if you ask me - but no one is asking.

Be blessed.

Robin said...

I think because she came up with a possible scenario that could have caused Rodger's death that her grade shouldn't suffer. How long do they have to keep their eggs alive?

Life Adapted said...

Robin, she needed to keep them "alive" for 7 days - Rodgers "died" on the 6th day. I'll let you know what grade she got when I find out.

Be blessed.

Robin said...

So close yet so far... bummer...

Oh did they assign "partners" spouses for the project?

Life Adapted said...

Robin, thankfully no partner spouses. But, my daugter did say to her teacher that she wanted to leave the babies home with their fathter, he said, "no"

I'll share some of her final report when she gets it back it was very funny.

Be blessed

Robin said...

Looking forward to reading the report.