Saturday, December 6, 2008

Love Ya

My poor husband. He gets very little mention in my blog. It's not because of any lacking on his part. He's this great guy and I love him to pieces (what exactly does that mean, to love someone to pieces??). It's just that he's so low maintenance. Don't get me wrong, any relationship worth it's salt (what exactly does that mean, worth it's salt??) takes work. We just work really well together and love doing it - it doesn't necessarily feel like work. In fact, it's fun going through life with him. He's funny, he's intelligent, he loves my cooking (key point), he's an amazing father, he's generous and he's low maintenance (did I mention that twice??). Every December he announces to the family, "Don't get me anything for Christmas. I don't need anything. I've got all I need." And the funny thing is, is that he's the one who is the most deserving of Christmas gifts. We were in Wal-Mart once and he was cracking corny jokes and the lady behind the register said, "You're husband is funny. I bet he's fun to live with." At the time I was somewhat frazzled and responded something like, "Oh, yeah, he's a laugh riot. We just sit around all day laughing - ha-ha-ha. . . . ." But, truth be told, he does make me laugh and I love to laugh. So, here's a shout out to my husband . . . I love ya!


Anonymous said...

Awww! (yes again) This is so sweet. My husband always says the same thing at Christmas; but I always end up getting him something!
Your kids are blessed to have you guys!!

Robin said...

You are such a great example! Thanks!