Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pregnant Goats and Christmas

Some years back my husband and I decided we wanted to simplify Christmas. With encouragement from a friend, we sent a letter to family members stating we no longer wanted to exchange gifts, but instead we would make a donation to a special cause in their names. The first year we bought a pregnant goat in the name of our family members (now, how many people can say that!). It was our desire to give our children the gift of giving. Telling them that they were going to give a family in a poor community a pregnant goat was exciting. We didn't know what to expect. Would they whine about the lost gifts? Would they miss the opening of presents? Would they feel deprived? No way!! They embraced the idea whole-heartedly!! They even carried the idea over to their birthdays and collected donations for various organizations instead of receiving gifts. All three of our children are happy givers, never once feeling deprived. In fact, they feel privileged, blessed and rich in their souls.

May you all be blessed this Christmas season!


Robin said...

What a beautiful idea! How old were your kids when you started this tradition? Love it!

Life Adapted said...

Robin, The kids were 7, 9 and 11. Our letter to family members said that we all had more than enough "things" and we wanted to share our blessings with others. We felt so good about it and then my sister-in-law called and said if we weren't going to exchange gifts, there was no point in coming over for Christmas Eve. That was the only thing about the whole idea that was upsetting to the kids. Check if your library has the book Beatrice's Goat - it's why we chose to donate a pregnant goat. Be blessed!

Anonymous said...

We are also trying to limit the "stuff" we give our kids. However, I find that I am struggling with making up for a very limited childhood by spoiling my kids at Christmas. I'm doing better every year; my husband is good accountability. We also did the goat thing; we shopped in the Samaritan's Purse catalog, and bought a dairy goat and a brood of chicks! The kids loved it.

Life Adapted said...

Renee, its always a balancing act. Don't want to spoil our kids, but sure do love to do it. How do we express that we would give them the world, but not an X-box?
Be blessed.