Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Menopause Much?

Conversation with the husband:
"I made hotel reservations," he said.
"So we could get away together, to be alone without the kids."
"But, I like the kids."
"Don't you like me?"
"Because you got me a tea kettle that doesn't whistle."
"I didn't know it didn't whistle."
"Did you think to look?"
"No, but why does it have to whistle?"
"Because, I forget I put water on and if it doesn't whistle I may burn the house down."
"So, you won't go away with me because the tea kettle doesn't whistle?"
"No . . . .well, yes."
"But the hotel has a hot tub."
"You wouldn't catch me dead in a bathing suit right now. In fact, if I die, shred my bathing suit lest someone find it and think it's a hot air balloon."
"So, you don't want to go away with me because you don't want to put on your bathing suit?"
"No . . . well, yes."
"Should I cancel the reservations?"
"Are those hormones I see shooting out of your ears?"


:)De said...


:)De said...

Happy New Year to you and your family. Next time you see Pop Pop, give him an extra squeeze for me.


Robin said...

You even give menopause humor :)