Thursday, December 18, 2008

On Wisdom Teeth

My daughter had her wisdom teeth removed yesterday. I have many friends who have had children's wisdom teeth removed and they assured me there was nothing to worry about. But, you see, this is my daughter, my first born, my child who was having their wisdom teeth removed. It's different when it's your child. I think I handled it well . . . . well, except for maybe the part when the nurse asked my daughter if she were on birth control and I jumped in and told her my daughter is "not that kind of girl!" And maybe when she asked if she drank alcohol, I may have been a little quick to answer (my daughter calmly looked up at me and said, "Mom, I can answer my own questions." Ouch) It wasn't until the doctor came to take my daughter away that I was a tad bit overboard. It happened all so fast, the nurse and the doctor wanting to take my daughter and drug her up and cut her up, sawing away a part of my precious daughter's body . . . .

"Take my wisdom teeth Dr. B, please, if you must have wisdom teeth, take mine, just don't hurt my baby!"
"Mrs. L", Dr. B said calmly, "you don't have any wisdom teeth."
"Take my molars, then," I shouted. . . .

. . . we both did well, after all is said and done. But next time one of my children need surgery, Dad is going to take them.


Robin said...

I love this story!!! You have a gift for story telling. Your kids are blessed to have you for a mom!

My son (when 2) had to have some dental work done and because he was so young they had to put him under. I had to hold him until he fell asleep. It was so difficult watching my baby go under and watching his eyes roll back in his head, but I held it together pretty well... UNTIL...

I was walking back to the waiting room and one of the staff saw me and said, "How are you doing?" I kept it together quite well and said fine. Then she said, "Oh you are the mom whose little boy was just put under, don't worry everything will be fine." Great thanks why did she have to say that...why did she show compassion and make me cry...? TEARS...

He was fine, but it was hard on me...

Life Adapted said...

There is no worse pain for a mother as the pain of her child! My daughter is 19 (!!how did that happen!!) now, so it's kind of silly, but I just love her so much and still want to protect her and all the while her saying "OOOOOOh, Mooooooooooooom."

Robin said...

I've noticed time moves quicker since having kids...

Or maybe its just that we can't kid ourselves that time isn't passing because our kids change before our eyes so quickly. They change from that precious dependent baby into who they are today before we realize what happened. I'm trying to savor each moment of this newborn phase now even when I'm getting up for the multiple diaper changes in the middle of the night...

This little one goes through more diapers than the other two did, but I'm still absolutely CRAZY about her. I just want to hug on her all the time.