Monday, December 15, 2008

Be Ever So Blessed

What we learned in the year 2008:
A puppy, a Pop-Pop and wrapping paper cannot co-exist.
"No-Fail Fudge" isn't.
14 year old boys and puppies act very much alike.
After 22 years in the same house, the husband can always find the hidden chocolate, but not the milk.
Puppy gates and stockings cannot co-exist.
Never take Pop-Pop too far from a bathroom.
Egg babies crack under pressure.

What God taught us:
Family vacations are essential, no matter what age your children are.
"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

We wish all of you a joyous Christmas, filled with traditions, new and old. May God touch your life in a very special way as you join others in worship and friendship in celebration of Jesus' birth. Be at peace and be ever so blessed.


Robin said...

The milk comment - glad to hear it is true in not just my house. It's so important for those who are a few steps ahead to share their wisdom so those of us a few steps behind don't think we are alone in our frustrations...

Life Adapted said...

Robin, we can either laugh about it or be forever frustrated. . . we try to laugh (but don't always succeed :)

Be blessed

Robin said...

I should be laughing incessantly...