Friday, December 11, 2009

The Great Ornament Exchange - Part IV - The End

All I could think was, "All that work, all that time, all that money, for what?" I ended up with a cheap, tacky ornament. I stressed myself out and bored my husband and my kids to tears. I was not happy! But, I knew at least one lady who was happy - she got an ornament that was worth $35.00! When I got home I threw the angel in the garbage can. We have a metal can and when the angel hit the bottom of the can it made a loud ping sound. For some reason that sound kept ringing in my ears. Augh - I knew God was dealing with me and I didn't like it. I took the angel out of the garbage and set her on the table. My son said, "Mommy, you're lucky, you got the best ornament!" I wondered what he liked about her? Her wings? He was only 5 for crying out loud! Little by little I began to see my prideful behavior. It was not about being a happy giver, it was about getting the perfect ornament for all the wrong reasons. I hung the angel on the tree (okay, so it was in the back against the wall where little boys couldn't stare - I was tempted to make her a little velvet jacket). I learned my lesson and frankly, I didn't want to be reminded of this incident ever again. On Christmas morning I was concentrating on my 3 little angels and the joy of the celebration. Much to my surprise, my kids wanted me to open the first gift. They handed me a clumsily wrapped box. Such happy givers! I opened the box and in it was an identical blown glass Christmas ball from Italy! The last line of The Three Trees came to mind: "The next time you feel down because you didn't get what you wanted, sit tight and be happy because God is thinking of something better to give you." Every Christmas when I put my Christmas ball from Italy on our tree I am reminded of the The Great Ornament Exchange, my pride, my angels and the happy ending. The End.


Parsley said...

Awww, what a wonderful story and wonderful lesson for us all! Even though I was joking around with you, I too have found stories like this in my own life. God doesn't always give us what we want, He gives us what we need. Sometimes that is a lesson.

Blessings on you and yours.

Thanks for sharing.

:)De said...

Awww.... so cool. Thx LA for another great story!


Life Adapted said...

Parsely and :)De - you guys are the best - thanks for always reading along and for offering so much encouragement and laughter along the way.

Peace and blessings to you and yours :)

Indian Lake Papa said...

LA - this is so amazing - ALWAYS look for the lessons that God has for us - ir is His way of helping guide us as we serve Him. I need to listen and watch closer.

Life Adapted said...

Papa, Amen!

Kathryn said...

So I want to know...did you keep the little angel as well? My story: I'd always wanted a girl. Ultrasound said 2nd baby would be a boy. Felt guilty for having so much dissapointment. It took me all of the next 5 months to work through accepting what God had in mind for my life (a 2nd boy). Was mentally and spiritually ready for a boy when I went to the hospital. BUT THEN...God gave me my girl! I considered it my own personal miracle that God did just for me. It was, of course, the biggest lesson of my life. God gives us what we need in HIS timing, and his gifts are 100% sweeter when we have put His wants above our own. Why it's so hard to remember these things when we are in the mists of "issues", after God gives us such obvious lessons, is beyond me! :-) Lovin' your blog!