Monday, January 25, 2010

Food For Thought

I must preface this post by saying I completely understand that homeschooling is not for everyone. There are times when a parent is not the best person to teach their child. I think our homeschooling was successful because my kids were willing and without special needs. I think if I ran into a situation where one of my kids had a special need I would have sent them to the public school and had a trained professional teach them what they needed to learn. With that being said, I encourage mothers to consider homeschooling as an option for their children. Most of the women I know are bright, resourceful, articulate, creative and loving people. Who better to teach your children. Don't forget when you buy curriculum, you get the answer books, there is no answer you can't find. How wonderful for a child to have their parents immerse themselves in their world. How wonderful for parents to know what makes their kid tick. My daughter liked butterflies, so we raised butterflies. My son liked frogs (yuk) and puppies so we raised frogs and puppies. My daughter loved reading and children, so she volunteered in the public school to teach children how to read. What a blessing for us to have known those things about our children and then share in their wonder and learning. I never tired of seeing their work and seeing the world through their eyes. It was a gift. That window of time has passed but the memories will stay with us until the end of time. Don't let the window close before you even consider homeschooling as an option. Chew on it . . .


Parsley said...

Homeschooling has been a real adventure for us. It's not without it's challenges but it's worth it.

Life Adapted said...

Hi Parsley, Yes, I agree homeschooling is an adventure and challenging and worth it! I would not trade my years of homeschooling for anything.

Be blessed

Indian Lake Papa said...

Very well said - several on my blog roll have home schooled. Mama still thinks I need "schooling".

Anonymous said...

Thanks for encouraging those of us who are still plugging along. . .

Life Adapted said...

Papa, thank you. Mama is one of those bright, resourceful, articulate, creative & loving women I was talking about, but she must be a tiny bit crazy, too, after all look at her husband :)

Be blessed

Indian Lake Papa said...

LA - your kind words almost over whelm me! LOL Mama is quite special.