Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Middle Girl Child

So, this is typical of my middle daughter. I used to describe her as a toddler as "high maintenance." But as she got older, she got to be more self reliant and independent and less demanding (lower maintenance -but somehow not). She listens to and takes advice as long as it is solid. She takes instruction well and is able to incorporate constructive instruction quickly. Her needs are pretty simple (but somehow not) and her wants few. So, when she asked for pink UGG boots for Christmas, I was happy to accommodate her. I searched the web for authentic UGG boots and found a site that could deliver before Christmas, in the size and color she wanted. They arrived to my door, from Australia, via Shanghai. Just the boots, in a beat up box that looked like they traveled around the world. I was excited when she opened them on Christmas morning. She jumped up and put them on - or should I say tried to put them on. They were too small. Augh (or should I say UGG)! 2 days after Christmas I emailed the company and told them to send me instructions for exchange. They emailed me back and in broken English told me they "shut down factory for now" and unless there was a "defeat" they could not help me. Augh! So, I figured I would find an UGG store in NJ (or PA) and see if they could exchange them, but since they are pink and not a "stock" item, no one will exchange them. And that is my middle daughter for you, low maintenance - but somehow not.


Parsley said...

Oh, this just goes all over me. I'm so sorry to hear of this. It's one of my OCD things. I get bothered with stuff like that.

Hey..ebay them and give her the money!

Life Adapted said...

Parsley, I'm going to write a follow up post . . .