Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Went Shopping Today At The Dentist

I love my dentist. He's a funny guy. And his hygienist is funny, too. Dr. D has a teenage daughter so we swap stories all the time. He's been following the Ugg boot saga as I see him every week for dental work (following one of my New Year's resolutions). So I told him I got a $40.00 refund and that my new friends at Ugg said I could keep the boots. I told him I was concerned that I would not be able to get my daughter pink boots as stores are already advertising their Spring/Summer lines. He turned away from the dental chair and plugged in Shoes.com on his laptop. My dentist started searching the world wide web for pink Uggs for my daughter. The hygienist helped, too. With a mouth full of spit, I sat in awe as they found boots for my daughter. Certain boot styles didn't have any stock left and others had stock but only in size 5 or 11. We found a style we liked, in the right size but in purple, not pink. Cute! My daughter is the queen of purple! They match mine exactly, except for the color. After spitting and rinsing I thanked Dr. D and the hygienist for their help. I assured them my daughter would be thrilled and thank them in person at her next visit. When I got home I told her all about it and pulled up the boots to show her. I said, "If it weren't for Dr. D's help, we would not have matching boots!" She said she'd be sure to thank him . . . was there a tone in her voice?


Indian Lake Papa said...

Next time you see your dentist, could you have him look for a graph depth finder for my pontoon? I can wait till Spring, when you get a checkup.

:)De said...

I think I heard it from here. LOL!

Parsley said...

A tone? Hmm, maybe she knows how hard it will be for her to fit into the cool club and is feeling the pressure.

Life Adapted said...

Papa, A what?? Do you want it in a size 8? purple? heals or flats?

:)De - Did you recognize that tone?

Parsley, Yes, I'm sure that was it :)

Be blessed dear ones!