Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Walked 2 & 1/2 Chapters

So, I went to the gym to walk. Now that we don't have Bart anymore, I have no incentive to walk outdoors. Treadmills make me dizzy but I guess I like to be warm more than I don't like to be dizzy (that sentence makes me dizzy). So, I got on the treadmill and began to walk. I had grabbed a book before I left the house so I had this book in my hand. I realized I needed one of those book holders. I had to stop the treadmill and go and find one. Grrrrr, I hating stopping the treadmill because it messes up the counting of time and distance. I grabbed the book holder put it on the treadmill, pressed On and began to walk. After reading 1/2 a chapter I picked up my book to see how long and far I had gone. Apparently, I didn't hit Start, which you must do in order for the treadmill to begin to register your time and distance - grrrrr - I hate that! So, I hit start. 10 minutes and .55 miles later my nose began to run. I had no tissues. I had to stop the treadmill and grab a tissue, grrrrr. Did I mention how much I hate that? I got back on the treadmill, pressed On and Start and began to walk again. I walked through another chapter when the book began to slip out of the book holder and I quickly, keeping my balance, grabbed the book before it fell and in doing so I also grabbed the emergency stop cord and the treadmill came to a screeching halt and my time and distance went back to zero - GRRRRR, I hate that! So that is why I told my family I walked about 2 and a half chapters at the gym and when my son went to ask me what that meant I looked him right in the eye and said, "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

1 comment:

:)De said...

I think measuring in chapters is an acceptable and standard way of measuring.

Tell your teens that now you will have to buy an alarm that yells, "Get Up! This Is NOT A Drill!!"
