Friday, January 1, 2010

Draft Resolutions - Subject to Change After I Come Down From My Chocolate High

New Year's Resolutions seem to be a problem for so many. Well, not for me. I always have stuff I feel like I need to work on. I think people who don't make resolutions must think they are perfect. Well, let me tell you som'thin', only God is perfect. If you think you're like Him, you probably are as far away from him as you can be. It's one of those things - the more you learn about Christ, the more you see the need to learn even more about Him. One step forward, two steps back.

Anyway, my rough draft for my 2010 resolutions as scribbled on a pad at 11:32 p.m.
The first item is to learn new words.
The second item is to listen more, use less words. Why is there always irony in my
The third is to lose weight
The fourth is to challenge myself -that goes hand in hand with #3
The fifth is to get a job . . .hmmmm. . .another challenge
The sixth I can't read so The seventh is to work on my penmanship
The eighth is to get a flat stomach and The ninth is to memorize this scripture, "Nothing is impossible with God."
So far, it's all good (or all God) only time will see.

I'm coming down from my chocolate high (number ten, no more chocolate highs), so I better go to bed now. It is 2:49 a.m. and I should be sound asleep - that is resolution 11 - sleep better and 12 is to wake up in good spirit praising and worshiping God.

Lastly, I want to create an atmosphere of love and peace and joy in my home for the people I love the most in the world, my 3 amazing children and my beautiful husband whose birthday is today (hence the chocolate cake at midnight).
God bless you all (all 2 of you who read my rants - I love you both). Peace.


:)De said...

What a great list! I'm afraid I am 1 of those that don't make formal resolutions....fear of failure mostly. Although, I do like to set goals as I become aware of my mess-ups and flubs(way too numerous to make a list from!)

Happy Birthday to your husband.

Peace and Love,


Life Adapted said...

:)De, Happy New Year! I should probably make one more resolution - do not write blogs at 2:30 a.m. We can only change what we are aware needs changing - and if we fail, at least we're aware we are failing. Make sense? Anyway,I'm pretty sure you are pretty near perfect :)

I'll pass the birthday wishes on to my husband.

Be blessed!

Ruthie said...

Good to catch up on your blog. I liked your resolutions - some great ideas.
Blessings in 2010.