Monday, January 7, 2008

Listen to this. . .

In an attempt to follow my New Year's resolution, I am speaking less and listening more. The way I figure it, this will make me a better spouse, parent, friend. . .right? Well, it's not that simple. My son was telling me about this camera he wants to buy and I listened and nodded at the appropriate times and didn't interrupt and, get this, I was accused of not helping him make his decision. My daughter told me, in detail I may add, all about her day at school and I listened and nodded and didn't interrupt and, get this, I was accused of not caring about her. I was on the phone with a friend and I listened intently as she told me her woes and she asked, several times, "Are you still there??!!" Yes, I'm listening. . .and listening. . .and listening. But what I'm hearing is that before my New Year's resolution I must have been doing a lot of the talking. I began thinking that maybe I just talked too much. But, alas, I learned something good about myself. Yes, it's important to listen but what I have left unsaid this last week has been missed. So, it's all back to balance (2006 and 2007) and harmony (2008), I need to listen and hear what my dear ones are telling me and I need to respond, with loving and caring words to reassure them, "I hear you, I am here and I love you."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an incredible blessing - I love the fact that you do not apologize for being human yet continue seeking after the eternal.